A detailed, well-structured and internally consistent business plan is a basic requirement for the successful operation of any business. It is a key instrument for managing the implementation of strategy. Development of such a plan is a demanding task for management. It will be facilitated by the active involvement of professional advisers.
FINSTRACO will provide its highly professional services to clients from all business sectors. We will advise on the assembling of the required information and on the preparation of business plans. We will work closely with clients to document a high quality, realistic business plan typically consisting of:
- Brief review of the business intent (Management summary).
- Basic information about the business.
- Characteristics of the management and staff of the business and of its organisation and management systems.
- SWOT analysis.
- Details of business intent, objectives, outputs and their impacts.
- The production plan.
- The marketing plan, including competitive and market research analyses.
- The financial plan and risk analysis.
The Business Plan can then be used not only as an internal management instrument but also in raising capital (e.g. bank loans or grants from public resources). A good Business Plan will convince the provider of capital about the effectiveness and purpose of the business and about the potential return on resources invested.