He who does not have his own objective, automatically fulfils the objectives of others.
Globalisation of markets, characterised by the dynamic growth of competition, makes strategic management essential for success and long-term prosperity. Businesses must adopt a systematic approach to managing their own activities and relating to market requirements. They must be ready to react flexibly to changes in the environment. This can be achieved through successful implementation of a strategic plan incorporating well-conceived long-term development strategies.
The FINSTRACO team, who have a broad range of experience in preparing development strategies for various enterprises, offer clients their own methodology, professional assistance and support in developing a strategic plan tailor made to their needs.
For commercial enterprises, our company offers support in the following areas:
- Initial strategic analyses of the external environment (PESTLE analyses) and of the client’s internal environment, focusing particularly on its competitive position (customer segments, products and services, pricing policy, distribution, sales force and promotion), on benchmarking internal systems and processes (corporate culture, human resources, technologies, management processes and organisation and control system) and on financial performance (key performance and efficiency indicators and risk management).
- SWOT analyses identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the particular business, as well as potential opportunities and threats resulting from trends in the external environment.
- Scenarios of potential external and internal developments as a basis for determining the capabilities needed to flexibly react to changes ahead of competition.
- Definition of the vision or mission of the business describing its long-term purpose, objectives and distinguishing characteristics.
- Development strategy, typically under the following headings:
- Marketing strategy (competitive position/development of “competitive advantage”) – covering client segments, loyalty and satisfaction factors, products and services offered, pricing policy, distribution, sales force, promotion and communication;
- Internal systems and processes strategy – covering corporate culture, human resources, technologies, management processes and organisation and control system;
- Financial strategy – covering key indicators of financial performance and risk optimisation.
Our company also offers cooperation in the implementation of strategies and advice on the funding of implementation projects.
For Municipalities, we offer the development and processing of programmes and strategic development plans (Economic and Social Development Programme, ESDP) in compliance with Act No. 539/2008 Coll. on promotion of regional development as amended by Act No. 309/2014 Coll. which is the crucial document also for obtaining financial resources from the European Union, as detailed below:
- Initial analysis consisting of the external environment analyses (PESTLE analyses) and detailed analyses of the internal environment and of the scope of a municipality’s activities. The analyses cover geography, history, natural conditions, mineral resources, social and demographic parameters, employment, labour market, level of education, business environment and infrastructure (technical, transportation, social and health care, education, accommodation and civil facilities, culture and sport) and the environment.
- SWOT analyses identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the municipality and opportunities as well as threats from the environment.
- Development strategy including long-term vision (direction in which the municipality and its citizens want to go and what they want to achieve), identification of strategic objectives (ways and means for fulfilling the vision) and specification of strategic development priorities and measures in the following areas:
- Population – social and demographic parameters, employment, labour market and education;
- Performance of the economy and relevant production industries in the municipality;
- Trade and services including tourism;
- Infrastructure – technical, transportation, social;
- Health care, education, accommodation and civil facilities, culture and sport;
- Protection of the environment;
- Implementation and financial aspects in the form of a plan of measures and activities to implement the development strategy;
- Financial plan to implement the development priorities and measures;
- Monitoring of ESDP implementation, evaluation and updating.
Our consultants will also work with clients both to prepare development project specifications and to bring them through the implementation stage. We will also advise on the funding of municipality development programmes.